Food that help reduce Fat

Food that help reduce Fat

  SPINACH – Spinach and lettuce add bulk and they fill in your stomach and thus you have less apace for pasties and ice creams. These also have lots of iron, folate calcium and vitamin A,B,C and E. Women who take folate rich diet reduce the risk of producing babies with cleft lip or palate.
  GRAPEFRUIT – They have high fibre content. Grapefruit has less calories as compared to orange. The phytochemicals and the soluble fibre help in reducing cholesterol.
  APPLES – too give filling effect. Eating several apples a day may benefit you by taking you away from other food stuff. Flavinoids in fruits and vegetables have their benefits like those on high fruit and vegetable diet have less chance of getting a stroke.
  BLACK BEANS – chickpeas and lentils are high in soluble fibre and low in fat. Regular intake of black beans lower the risk of colon cancer.
  CHILLIES – Capsaicin found in chillies boost metabolism increasing the energy the body burns during digestion.
  LOW FAT MILK – Calcium rich foods do seem to boost metabolism. Women and girls who consume dairy products regularly have lower weight and less body fat than those who don’t. Plenty of calcium rich dairy food slash risk of ovarian cancer.
  COTTAGE CHEESE – has much less fat as compared to cheddar cheese and it is also a very good source of protein. It also has calcium & vitamin B-12.
  STRAWBERRIES – Strawberries, peaches, plums and grapes come with cancer fighting carotenoids and appetite suppressing fibre.

Green Tea

Green Tea

What is Green Tea and how is it made ?

The tea is a product of a plant known as C. sinensisa native of Southeast Asia. The tea brewed from the dried leaves of this plant has been drunk in China since perhaps the 28th century BC. It was first brought to Europe by the Dutch in the early 17th century AD.
Leaf buds and young leaves are used in making tea, the age of the leaves determining the taste and name of the particular commercial variety. After picking, the leaves either are dried immediately and completely to produce green teas, or are partially dried and then allowed to ferment to produce various kinds of black teas. After being sorted, all grades of tea are packed in foil-lined chests to prevent the absorption of unpleasant odors or the loss of aroma during shipment. In China, tea is sometimes allowed to absorb the scent from various flowers particularly Jasmine.

Tea is an aromatic stimulant, containing various polyphenols, essential oils, and caffeine. The concentration of caffeine in tea ranges from 2.5 to 4.5 percent, in contrast to an average concentration of about 1.5 percent in coffee.

Green Tea, is abundantly grown in the foothills of the mighty Himalayas. This belt grows the best teas in the world.
Scientists from Japan Cancer Institute have been successful in identifying a substance in Green Tea called Catechins or Polyphenols, which act as strong antioxidants. They are in a position to clinically establish the old adage that “tea is a miraculous medicine for the mantainance of health”. Catechins remain unchanged in Green Tea as leaves are merely steamed, rolled and dried as opposed to black tea which is fermented.

A study of over 3,400 adults in Saudi Arabia–a country of tea-lovers–found that those who drank more than 6 cups per day of the brown beverage had a more than 50% lower risk of coronary heart disease compared to tea abstainers, even after adjusting for other factors such as smoking, diet and obesity.

Green Tea and Cancer

A new study by a team of Swedish researchers adds support to the growing body of evidence that green tea contains
compounds that fight cancer.  Green tea contains a compound called 
epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), which helps inhibit blood vessel growth. This could be useful in preventing tumors from forming new blood vessels, which they need to survive. In a study on mice, the researchers also found animals fed on green tea showed a 55-percent to 70-percent reduction in blood vessel development in the cornea of the eye, a finding that could prove helpful to diabetics suffering from  retinopathy.
Other studies have shown EGCG blocked an enzyme needed for cancer cell growth and kept cells from becoming cancerous without harming surrounding healthy cells. The researchers point out heavy consumption of green tea may not be beneficial for women who are pregnant or for people recovering from wounds, conditions that both require blood vessel development. 

Green Tea Battles Arthritis

 Antioxidants found in green tea may reduce the severity and even prevent symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, a new study suggests. The antioxidants, called polyphenols, appear to possess more antioxidant potency than some vitamins. Researchers also point out there is anecdotal evidence suggesting that people living in India, China and Japan —where green tea consumption is high — have lower rates of rheumatoid arthritis.

Green tea polyphenols applied to human skin prevent ultraviolet light-induced damage, according to a study.

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Eat and Cook Healthy

Eat and Cook Healthy

To lead a healthy and fit life we need to eat and cook healthy. Here are few tips which may be of help in keeping you fit and eat healthy food.

  • Substitute whole milk with skimmed milk.

  • Make curd and paneer (cheese) from skimmed milk.

  • Instead of frying prefer baking, grilling, roasting and steaming of food.

  • Use brown ( unpolished ) rice

  • Use whole wheat flour with bran.

  • Use non sticking pans to reduce the use of oil.

  • Oil or fat that has been used for repeated number of times as a cooking medium for frying should be avioded. Oil used for deep frying a number of times becomes toxic and is unhealthy.

  • Use less salt and sugar. You can gradually develop a taste of taking less amount of sugar with tea and coffee. Low sodium salt is also available which can be used instead of regular salt.

  • Avoid using soda bicarb in your cooking to prevent loss of vitamin A.

  • Use plenty of vegetables and fruits in your diet. Try taking 4-5 types of vegetablles and fruits daily.

  • Adding soya products to your daily diet would be of immense benifit, even if it is of small quantity.

  • Above all do not put yourself on diet.

    Food that help reduce Fat

How best to Organize your Diet

How best to Organize your Diet

The best way to organise your diet is by adding more of Vegetables and Fruits, cuting down on saturated Fats and to bring down as much as possible the amount of meat in a week.

Fruits and vegetables are full of nutrients, and most are low in fat and calories. In addition, they contain several plant chemicals (often called phytochemicals ) that also contribute to health and possibly disease prevention — and you can’t get them from a vitamin pill.

Eating Vegetables and Fruits have to be in sufficient quantity. Five servings a day is ideal. It may sound difficult but by organising your food items, taking care of your likes and dislikes it is indeed possible by adding good amount of vegetables and fruits in every meal you take.

  • Include fruits and vegetables in every meal.
  • Convenience has to be important ground rule. Canned food items or fresh ones as per liking and availability.
  • Variety is also important. Eat diffirent vegetables and fruits rather than eating same type every day.
  • Vegetables should be focus of your meals. Try to skip meat all together couple of days in a week.

For many people, healthful eating is a temporary endeavor, cut short by unrealistic goals and bad feelings when those goals aren’t met. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Don’t consider yourself ‘on a Diet’. Diets are things people start and stop, while healthful eating should be a way of life.

Do not give up your favorite foods entirely. You may not banish chocolate or french fries from your menu forever, but do keep portions reasonable and view those foods as treats, rather than staples.

There is nothing like Good food or Bad foodRemember that all foods can fit in a healthful eating pattern — again, in the appropriate proportions. 

Calculate your Calorie requirement


Phytochemicals As Cancer Fighters

Phytochemicals are non nutritive plant chemicals that contain protective and disease preventing compounds. More than 900 different phytochemicals have been identified. It is estimated that a single serving of vegetables may have more than 100 different phytochemicals. Some, such as Digitalis and Quinine have been used for medicinal purposes for centuries.

Some Phytochemicals reduce oxidative stress, others dampen inflammation, detoxify contaminants and pollutants, and some activate enzymes that block the uncontrolled division of cells, and some make it easier for nutrients to pass through cells.

Some of the best known phytochemicals are the flavonoids which grow naturally in citrus fruits, onions, apples and grapes. Flavonoids may protect against cancer. 

Indoles another kind of phytochemical are found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and brussels sprouts and may offer protection against host of chronic diseases.

Other phytochemicals are Carotenoids and Isoflavones.

Beta-carotenes, the best known carotenoids give colour to carrots and other orange, red and yellow produce and are converted to vitamin A in our bodies. Lutein and Zeaxanthin (from green vegetables) and Lycopen (from Tomatoes) many protect against coronary artery disease, cataract, macular degeneration and cancer.


are plant estrogens – soy foods are a rich source and have same effect as estrogen. The benefits may be lowering of blood lipids, decrease risk of hormone related cancers of breast, ovaries, endometrium and prostrate, relief from menopausal symptoms.

Some important Phytochemicals containing food

Cruciferous Vegetables
Cauliflower (Gobhi), Broccoli, Brussel sprouts, Cabbage (Bund gobhi), Mustard green (Sarsaon) and Turnip green (Shalgam)

Contain Indoles and Isothiocyantes. These may help in trigerring enzymes that may act to block carcinogenic damage to the cell DNA.
Orange, Grapefruits and Lemon Vitamine C and Flavonoids act as antioxidants which can inhibit cancer cell growth.
Soya Products in soya beans and soya milk Contain Isoflavones. Diet high in these are associated with lower rates of cancers of Breast, Uterus and Prostate.
Garlic & Onion Contain sulphur compounds which triger enzymes that helps to excrete carcinogens from the body.
Tomatoes Contain Lycopene which is a powerful antioxidant. Diet high in tomatoes is associated with decreased risk of cancer of stomach, colon and prostate.
Carrots, Sweet Potatoes Contain alpha and beta carotene which protects against the environmental pollutants
Strawberries,Raspberries,Walnuts,almonds Contain Polyphenols
Beans, Oats, Barley,Whole wheat Contain Saponins
Ginger, Mint and Turmeric Contain Gingerols

Food that help reduce Fat

Natural sources of Antioxidant Vitamins and Minerals

Natural sources of Antioxidant Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamin A Mango, broccoli, carrots, tomato juice, sweet potato, pumpkin, beef liver
Vitamin C Spinach, broccoli, snow peas, tomato juice, mango, orange, grapefruit juice, strawberries, red bell peppers
Vitamin E Polyunsaturated plant oils, wheat germ, sunflower seeds, avocado, sweet potato, shrimp, cod
Selenium Seafood, meats, grains
Vitamin B6 Bananas, watermelons, tomato juice, broccoli, spinach, potatoes, white rice, chicken breast
Vitamin B12 Meats, poultry, fish, milk, eggs, shellfish
Folic Acid Tomato juice, green beans, broccoli, spinach, lady’s finger, lentils, black eyed peas
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Add More Fiber to Your Meals

Add More Fiber to Your Meals

A low-fat, high-fiber diet promotes gastrointestinal health and may protect against Heart disease, Diabetes, Colon & Rectal Cancer, Breast and Prostate cancer.

Fiber is not a nutrient. But is has a very important role in our diet.

High Fiber Food are low in calories and low in Fat and are more filling.
Fiber, found only in plant-based foods, is a general term for the complex carbohydrates in foods that pass through the body undigested. There are two different types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber dissolves in water; insoluble fiber doesn’t. Some foods contain soluble fiber, others contain insoluble fiber, and many contain a combination. The two types of fiber act differently in the body, and both are important. But increasing the overall fiber content of your diet is more important than focusing on the specific types of fiber.

All of these foods are good sources of fiber:

  • Whole grains. These are grains, such as wheat, oats, rice, barley and corn, that have not been refined. Refining is the process of removing certain parts of the grain — the parts that happen to contain the fiber. White flour is made from refined wheat grain, whereas whole-wheat flour is made from unrefined wheat grain.
  • Fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber.
  • Legumes. Legumes are dry beans and peas. In addition to being an excellent source of fiber, legumes contain vitamins and minerals and are a good source of protein.
  • Nuts and seeds. Nuts and seeds are high in fiber, but are also high in calories and fat, so don’t go overboard.

Prefer Whole Wheat Bread ( Brown Bread ).
Prefer Brown Rice or Barley to white rice.
Eat bean based dishes more often.
Add nuts and seeds and dried fruits to salads.
When possible eat vegetables and fruits raw and with skin.

Omega 3 fatty acids

Omega 3 fatty acids

 It was found that the secret of protection in the Eskimos against Heart disease, Diabetes and skin diseases lies in regular intake of marine Omega-3 fatty acids.

 Omega 3 — A Boon to Cardiac Patients !

Ornega-3 are polyunsaturated fatty acids found all most exclusively in fish. They have become a hot topic- because they can reduce chance of heart attack in patients with heart disease.

It is reported that Omega-3 are vital from childhood to adults.

The protective effects of Ornega-3 were discovered by observing Eskimos who eat large amount of these polyunsaturated fatty acids in their foods. The Eskimos almost never developed heart disease. Thus researchers looked for the link and found Omega-3 in oils. Omega-3 makes your cardiac patients risk- free due to presence of EPA & DHA.


The most common long chain Ornega-3 PUFA fatty acids are known as EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid)

Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) is a member of the Omega-3 fatty acid family. EPA is required for the production of a special group of substances in the body called prostaglandins, which control blood clotting and other arterial functions.

EPA also provides a natural approach in lower blood cholesterol & triglycerides.

Thus, EPA is a direct source of an important substance called prostaglandin E3. Prostaglandin E is directly responsible for making blood platelets less sticky thus, leading to an easier flow of blood throughout our bodies. This means that EPA is intimately involved in bodily process that inhibits blood clots, particularly in the small capillaries of the heart. Due to the body’s inability to synthesize EPA & DHA, it has to depend on external source. In early infancy and old age the body is not capable of producing adequate amounts of EPA and is true of people suffering from cardiovascular disorders, diabetes. As this fatty acids offer nutritional as well as medical benefits, it is recommended that the intake should be on regular basis.

Effects of EPA

EPA is known to:

Lower lipids – decrease TG, increase HDL

Have an anti-thrombotic – decrease blood clotting effect.

Have an anti-arrhythmic effect.

Have an anti-inflammatory – via eicosanoids, weakens the effect of pro-inflammatory hormones

DHA (Docosabexaenoic Acid)

Of almost equal importance, but not as widely researched is Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA). It comprises of a significant amount of the tissue, which makes up our brains as well as large part of retina of eye.

DHA plays a vital role during pregnancy and infant development, and also during old age.

Effects of DHA

DHA is known to:

Lower lipids – decreases TG, increases HDL

Have an anti-inflammatory

Facilitate the normal growth – incorporated into membrane, development and function of the lipids of brain, nerves and eyes.

Improve the clinical symptoms – corrects abnormalities of depression & schizophrenia.

Omega 3 — Boosts Brain Power ?

In a study of more than 1 000 people (average age 75); those with high blood levels of an Omega-3 called DHA were more than 40% less likely to develop dementia (including Alzheimer’s) over the next nine years than people with low DHA levels. One theory why: We know the brain latches onto DHA – its favorite fat – to help build membranes around nerve cells; possibly the more DHA, the easier it is to zap messages from cell to cell.

Omega 3 — For Pregnant & nursing mothers

DHA, an Omega-3 fatty acid is the predominant structural fatty acid in the brain & retina. It comprises approx. 40% of the polyunsaturated fatty acids in the brain & 60% in retina. The developing fetus & infant have particularly high requirement for DHA. They obtain at least half this requirement for brain development in the womb, with the rest coming from mother’s milk during nursing. If infants are not breast fed, they are usually fed infant formula. Unfortunately most formulas do not contain DHA. Instead they contain linolenic acid, the precursor of DHA. However the infants have limited ability to convert linolenic acid into DHA. Thus it may be said that DHA in the diet is essential for the developing nervous system of human infants.

Since, the human brain development takes place at the greatest rate during the last trimester of pregnancy DHA is transferred from mother to the fetus at a high rate during this period.

Maternal reserves of DHA are deficient in cases of closely spaces pregnancies or in case of twin or triplets in a pregnancy.

The cause of low DHA is because our bodies can convert other foods into DHA, but the process is inefficient. Thus pregnant or nursing mothers may not have adequate amount of DHA stored in their bodies to pass on adequate amounts to the developing fetus or breast feeding infants.

Research has suggested that increased long chain Omega-3 fatty acids intake during the pregnancy prolongs gestation, increases birth weight and reduces incidence of premature birth.

Omega-3 fatty acids, whatever their source, seem to offer various benefits, beyond reducing heart disease risk.

Like :

  • Weight loss. Australian researchers found in 1999 that eating tuna, salmon or other fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids once a day as part of a weight loss plan helped people lose weight.
  • Mental illness and depression. Patients with bipolar disorder – known also as manic-depression – who took fish oil capsules regularly displayed fewer symptoms. It is believed that omega-3 fatty acids help stabilize mood.
  • Crohn’s disease. Several studies show that taking fish oil capsules appears to reduce symptoms and aid in the remission of this often painful inflammation of the bowel that can also cause diarrhea and weight loss. Fish oil appears to also prevent relapse of the disease.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis. In the past 10 years, several studies have suggested that fish oil can help reduce or control inflammation of the joints. Studies have suggested that omega-3 fatty acids have helped patients reduce their need for anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Cancer. Several studies have found that people who consume a lot of omega-3 fatty acids seem to have a decreased risk of some types of common cancers – notably breast, colon and possibly prostate.
  • Blood pressure. A study showed that combining a daily meal that includes fish with a weight reduction plan lowered the blood pressure and heart rate for overweight people suffering from high blood pressure.

Source of DHA & EPA

Source of DHA & EPA – Cold-water fish, such as mackerel, salmon, herring, sardines, black cod, anchovies, and albacore tuna, are rich sources of DHA and EPA. Similarly, cod liver oil contains large amounts of DHA and EPA.

Who is likely to be deficient? Premature infants who are not breast-fed are often DHA deficient.

A link has appeared between DHA deficiency and Alzheimer’s disease; however, no evidence at this time indicates that supplementation with DHA will help Alzheimer’s patients. Similarly, preliminary evidence shows that children with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) have low DHA levels; however, no evidence demonstrates that DHA supplementation improves ADD

Substances that Boost Brain Power !!

Substances that Boost Brain Power !!

Most of us use only 5 percent of our brain power. It may be possible to enhance the brain power by using the remaining part of the brain to increase mental clarity and enhance memory. Many substances have been shown directly or indirectly to affect the brain cells to make them fuction more effficiently. Since ages people had been curious to find out means to increase memory. Some of the substances said to affect the brain power are :-

Alpha Lipoic Acid: It is an antioxidant that fights free radicals in both the watery and fatty areas of the body. Animal-based research demonstrates that ALA protects brain cell membranes from free-radical damage and improves long-term memory in aging animals.

Phosphatidylserine: PS is a vitamin-like substance used by the body to help build and maintain healthy brain cells. It sharpens the mind by helping the brain’s nerve cells function better including generation, storage, transmission and reception of nerve impulses.

Huperzine A: Huperzine A is a naturally occurring compound found in club moss, a plant used in traditional Chinese medicine. In recent years, Chinese researchers have discovered that a purified and standardized extract of Huperzine A enhances memory and learning in animals. In human studies, the compound has been shown to increase clearheadedness, memory and language ability in Alzheimer’s patients.

Acetyl L Carnitine: ALC molecules are found naturally throughout the body. It is thought to improve communication between the right and left hemispheres of the brain, thereby promoting intuitive and balanced thinking.

Coenzyme Q10: This vitamin-like nutrient found in every cell of the body is thought to safeguard sharp thinking by protecting mitochondria (a cell’s power centers). Mitochondria are prime targets of free-radical damage, and CoQ10 may be one of the few nutrients that provide protection for these delicate and important cell structures.

Docosahexaenoic Acid: The brain is more than 40 percent fat, much of it DHA. DHA, found in fish oil, makes brain cell membranes more fluid which may help sharpen mental acuity. In Japan, students frequently take DHA pills before exams to improve their academic performance. DHA is also critical for the early development of the brain especially in the three months prior to and following birth, the time of most rapid brain growth.

Ginko Biloba: Ginko Biloba is supposed to stimulate intellect by increasing the availability of oxygen to the brain. It has benificial effect on many fuctions of brain such as alertness, memory and intellectual capacity.

Brahmi: This traditional ayurvedic herb has been widely used in India for more than 3,000 years to build and improve mental performance. The herb is safe for use by healthy people of all ages. In India, brahmi tea is given to infants starting in their first month of life to encourage optimal mental development.

Ashwagandha: Ashwaganda is believed to nurture and clear the mind while calming and strengthening the nervous system.

GinsengThis powerful herb has been used traditionally to enhance memory and sharpen mental acuity. It is a mild stimulant so it is sometimes recommended for people feeling lethargic or having trouble concentrating.

Rosemary: The long-standing herbal tradition of rosemary for remembrance has persisted for at least five centuries. This may be because rosemary contains more than a dozen antioxidant compounds, and studies show that the herb exerts its antioxidant activity by scavenging free radicals.

Gotu Kola: Ayurvedic physicians in India claim that gotu kola can increase intelligence, memory and longevity.

Antioxidants: Free radicals, implicated in heart disease, cancer and various other serious ailments, also can have a negative effect on the brain. The brain may bear the brunt of free-radical attacks since it is rich in fatty acids, and it uses large quantities of oxygen (a potential source of free radicals). Antioxidant nutrients such as Vitamine C, Vitamin E, Beta Carotene, immobilize dangerous free radicals before they have a chance to damage brain cells.

B- Complex : The B vitamin family is critical to proper brain function.
B1 ( Thiamin ) helps the brain efficiently utilize carbohydrates for mind fuel
B3 ( Niacin ) may help improve memory, protect against stress and blood clotting, and help prevent strokes.
B5 ( Patothenic Acid ) may increase stamina as well as help during times of stress.
B6 ( Pyridoxine ) is essential for production of the brain’s chemical messengers (or neurotransmitters): norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine.
B12 ( Cobalamin ) may relieve stress and fatigue in the brain because it helps release the energy found in food for use by the brain. It is also linked to the production of acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter that affects memory and learning.

Folic Acid: Also known as folate, this important vitamin helps the body produce the category of neurotransmitters called catecholamines. A lack of these chemicals can cause depression, anxiety and an inability to concentrate.

Iron: Iron is essential for clear, uncluttered thinking. By helping the blood form hemoglobin, the substance that carries oxygen from the lungs to the brain, iron enhances memory, learning, reasoning and judgment.

Pomegranate Juice – has Antioxidants

Pomegranate Juice – has Antioxidants

Drinking pomegranate juice may help reduce some of the major risk factors for heart disease, according to results of a study in mice and men. Based on the findings, its recommended, drinking half a glass of pomegranate juice a day.

A team of Israeli researchers found that the juice, which is rich in antioxidants, prevented the build up of plaque in the arteries of mice and inhibited further damaging changes in mice who already had plaque in their arteries.

In a group of healthy males who drank up to 50 ml of pomegranate juice daily for 2 weeks, the juice was found to boost the activity of an enzyme that protects against damaging changes to cells. The juice also reduced the oxidation of LDL (”bad”) cholesterol—a step that encourages the cholesterol particle to stick to artery walls and may lead to heart disease.

The oxidation of LDL is promoted by free radicals, cell-damaging particles that are a by product of normal metabolism. Antioxidants can mop up free radicals and help prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol.

In order to increase our defence system against the oxidative stress which we are exposed to every day, we need to consume potent natural antioxidants.

Pomegranate juice provides a superb defence against the harmful effects of free radicals and, hence, protects against cardiovascular diseases.

Contents of Pomegranate

Food Value Minerals and Vitamins
Moisture 78.0% Calcium 10 mg
Protein 1.6% Phosphorus 70 mg
Fat 0.1% Iron 0.3 mg
Minerals 0.7% Vitamin C

Small amounts of Vitamin B Complex

16 mg
Fibre 5.1%
Carbohydrates 14.5%
Calorific Value – 65
*Values per 100 gms edible portion